[Yaesu] Bad construction FT-900

Rodrigo Fernandez Mas afernan@servidor.dgsca.unam.mx
Tue, 26 Nov 1996 20:51:45 -0600

Hi All:

	Again a comment about the FT-900. I installed the CW narrow filter =
today. The radio works very well. I am surprised about the huge ammount =
of "patches" in the RF board (capacitors, resistors mounted in the =
air!). Also, I am afraid about the quality of the P.C. Boards.
	Does anyone have some experience on FT-900 failures due to this =
"assembling methods"?. I think that the FT-900 is a great radio. It is =
so durable?.

	73! de Rodrigo Fernandez Mas XE1SRF.

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