[Yaesu] Re: Yaesu? or InRad? filters for new Yaesu FT-1000MP Field?
Art Searle
w2nra at birdsandbeacons.com
Tue Dec 30 23:28:10 EST 2003
Hi Nate,
Thank you for the response. You were the only one. BTW the
radio was delivered today. I think I'll give the InRads a
try. You get more filter choices and I read in the eHam
reviews that you can return them. Also there is the January
1st InRad sale in 2 days.
Here are the InRad Filters I'm planning to buy.
For SSB:
711-B 1.8 kHz for 8.2 MHz 2nd IF
720-C 2.0 kHz for 455 kHz 3rd IF (Collins Mechanical)
For CW:
701-B 400 Hz for 8.2 MHz 2nd IF
705-C 500 Hz for 455 kHz 3rd IF (Collins Mechanical)
704-C 250 Hz for 455 kHz 3rd IF
For Sub-receiver:
705-C 500 Hz for 455 kHz 3rd IF (Collins Mechanical)
I don't do much SSB except chasing DX so I don't need Hi-Fi
wide SSB and I don't like real narrow CW even in a crowd.
A co-worker of mine also has the 920. Great radio and the
price is way down.
Thank you, 73 es Happy New Year,
> * Art Searle <w2nra at birdsandbeacons.com> [2003 Dec 29
19:40 -0600]:
> > My new and naked (no filters) Yaesu FT-1000MP Field is
> > racing it's way to me in the big brown truck. I am
going to
> > be buying 6 IF filters for it. Hint: I am exclusively a
> > op.
> >
> > 1) Where can I get test information on InRad vs Yaesu
> > filters?
> I'm not sure about the Yaesu filters, but INRAD usually
has their filter
> curves online. One clue is the number of poles the filter
is advertised
> to have. I believe INRAD filters generally have eight
poles and I've
> seen that some radios have six pole filters as an option.
> > 2) What has been your experience with InRad filters?
> I like them. They work as advertised and the workmanship
is of high
> quality. I have a 400 Hz INRAD filter in my FT-920 and it
works well
> for both CW and RTTY. It seems a tad too narrow for
packet and probably
> pactor. I also have an FT-890 that had the Yaesu 400 Hz
filter in when
> I bought it and it works very well. I've had good success
with it on
> Field Day using CW. The '890 also had the 2.4 kHz
optional Yaesu
> crystal filter and it works very well.
> It's probably a toss-up as to which is better. I think
that available
> bandwidths are probably the determining factor. One nice
thing is that
> INRAD still offers filters for much older models where the
> optional units are now hard to find.
> Some years back I had a TS-850S that had the optional 1.8
kHz SSB filter
> in it and that filter was junk, in my opinion. I put a
pair of INRAD
> 2.1 kHz filters (one in the 8.8 MHz IF and the other in
the 455 kHz IF)
> and they worked very nice as they could be independently
cut in and out
> of the circuit. Unfortunately, the radio was a lemon in
other respects
> and I traded it for the '920 which has been rock stable.
> > Thanks in advance and 73,
> Hope that helps, Art.
> 73, de Nate >>
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