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Re: [Amps] Bleeder Resistor Inquiry

Subject: Re: [Amps] Bleeder Resistor Inquiry
From: "Will Matney" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 12:23:01 -0400
List-post: <>

You think I might be shell shocked? I don't know why anymore, but that loud 
crack just makes me jump out of my skin. The only thing I can think of is just 
hearing it so many times. Funny thing is, I can shoot a gun at target practice 
all day long, and it dont bother me in the least bit! But really, I think 
there's a difference in the sound, I'm not sure.

This discharger I made, when using it, you dont hear nothing. Of course that's 
due to the resistors discharging the load to where the relay can handle a small 
amount. Plus, the voltmeter allows me to be sure it's discharged. When I made 
that, I said then it had to be one of the best projects I ever built.



*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 4/24/05 at 9:12 AM HENRY PFIZENMAYER wrote:

>Will - Talk about a bang - you should have heard the power supply dump on
>the Gates VP100 supply 30 KV at 14 amps - they used Jennings vacuum
>contactors and a bank of resistors on the cabinet wall, still a huge bang
>when there was a ube or whatever  arc to trigger the power supply energy
>dump - Hank K7HP

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