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[CQ-Contest] CQ-WPX..A Modest Proposal

Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQ-WPX..A Modest Proposal
From: ni2p@panix.com (Leon Kanopka)
Date: Sat Apr 4 12:09:32 1998
On  3 Apr 98 at 22:06, Bill Fisher, W4AN wrote:

> >> I have found over the years that contesting can be much more fun and
> >> interesting if I compete with myself. 

This is important.  I think that many contesters, including myself, 
would not enter contests if it was not for this.  I set goals for 
myself in each contest and work to meet them.  If I had to compete on 
a national level only, why would I bother entering a contest.  I know 
that I am at a disadvantage in contests for several reasons.  I do 
not have room for full size 40 and 80 m antennas.  I can not 
even use 160 m.  I do not run full output high power - I run about 
300 (real) watts most of the time.  I also have only a fraction of 
the experience that it takes to win these contests.  I know I cannot 
compete nationally with this operation, but that does not stop me 
from being proud of my score in last week's WPX phone.  I do not want 
(or need) a medium power - people who live on 40x100 foot lots 
category.  I like it the way it is. 

> I think most people on this list are involved with this sport to
> compete against someone else.  

Also true, despite what I said above, it is still nice to see your 
name above the others when the scores are finalized.  Each year I try 
to get a little closer to the top.  Maybe someday when all the right 
conditions come together, I too can make the top 10 box.

> I salute Lew and others who have the desire to compete with stations
> from all over the USA and not just with stations in their geographic
> area.  I share their desire.  By limiting the WPX competition to 24
> hours, you are essentially giving Lew and everyone else the
> OPPORTUNITY to compete nationally.  The current system is like
> having a home run hitting contest where the guy from the east coast
> gets 36 pitches to hit and the guy on the west coast gets 24.  

I did like the old 30 hour format, and I find myself operating about 
30 hours.  Last year was my first entry in the WPX after being off 
the air for 10 years.  I operated 30 hours - I did not even realize 
the rule was changed.  36 hours is ok also.  I would not want to see 
a full 48 hour contest.  At least at 30 or 36, it still leaves 
sometime to sleep and pay some attention to the wife and family.
> I WANT MORE COMPETITION, NOT LESS!!!    I love knocking on the door
> of the W1-2-3 dominance, and I'm sure not afraid to give the boys
> out west a run for their money too.  Give us a 24 hour competition
> and let's see who can build and operate a radio station, and not a
> competition of who has the most hours of runnable time on the bands.
>  I can run a computer program to tell you who wins that competition.

In this spirit I like the competition within a competition idea.  It 
will allow more operators to enjoy the contest without discouraging 
others who like it the way it is now from operating.  It might even 
bring in more contestants, which would be a good result.  Any change 
to the time for all operators would probably not effect the total 
number of contestants.  Some would get angry and stop competing and 
some who do not compete now will probably start.  We have to avoid 
that and find ways to add contestants without losing any.  This will 
benefit everyone.

Another idea - how about someone sponsoring an award based on 
average QSO's per hour for all single operators who operate more 
than 24 hours.  This would be easy to calculate.  It could even be 
based on the best 24 individual hours.  This could level the playing 
field a bit.  It solves the problem of 0 point QSO's and they would 
still count as QSO's.  It solves the problem of contestants who want 
a 24 hour contest.  It gives all contestants another award to shoot 
for.  Most of all, it doesn't change the present rules, it adds to 
them without adding another competition category.

Just my 2 cents.

home: ni2p@panix.com                 work: leonk@instrutech.com
The North American Railroad Terminal: http://www.panix.com/~ni2p/tour/
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