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RE: [CQ-Contest] RE: Here we go again

To: "'W2RU - Bud Hippisley'" <W2RU@frontiernet.net>,<cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] RE: Here we go again
From: "Joe Subich, K4IK" <k4ik@subich.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 19:17:18 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
> And "anything goes" for antenna size on 40 meters???
I intended to imply but failed to specify, 2 el max on 40. 

> > with a maximum height of 22 meters
> I kinda like 27 meters, myself -- that being the height of 
> *my* tallest tower, of course...

Of course ... 22 meters is a bit over 70 feet which seems 
like a reasonable number as a dividing line between the 
big guns with stacked yagis and allowing for a bit of mast 
to support a 2el40 over tribander type installation. 

In any case, the exact limits should be a matter for discussion. 
Does anyone know what the tower/yagi height has been in the  
various WRTCs? 


   ... Joe, K4IK 

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