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Re: [CQ-Contest] what is required of recevied audio, and whay

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] what is required of recevied audio, and whay
From: Paul O'Kane <pokane@ei5di.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2017 18:56:23 +0000
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
On 12/03/2017 17:13, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:

This is a case of you can't see the forest through the trees. No disrespect to Jim as he is an accomplished and respected contests. I agree that what CT1BOH, W2SC, N6MJ and others are doing is great. However they are unable to do what they do without people to work and those so called gimmick technologies are bringing them the people to work. Why is this so difficult to see and understand?
Packet and skimmers are hosted on a non-ham-radio public
communications utility - with other operators and remote
receivers feeding you spots.  Why is that so difficult to
see and understand?

Contest participation continues to rise, why?
Can you give a reference to support this claim, for contests
other than CQWW?

  <snip>  Assisted or Unassisted on CW you are getting spotted.
What's your point?  Unassisted ops find and decode stations by
themselves, with no help from other operators, and without the
use of remote receivers (RBN).

Are you telling me that those skimmer spots do not help? Of course they do.
They help everyone, but only the Assisted ops see them.

  In fact, skimmer is the reason we are seeing crazy numbers on CW.
Really?  How about some evidence, or is this an opinion and not
a fact?

Packet has been around for a very very long time now.  I think it is 
as much a gimmick as automobiles are today.   So can we get past it.
And mechanical propulsion has been around for 200 years,
so why are there still competitions for running, jumping,
cycling and sailing?

Packet is a very large reason we are seeing more contest activity.
If indeed it is responsible for more contest activity, it's leading
to contesters who will be dependent, for life, on spots from other

People see spots and they go work people. This is good! It drags people into the fray that might not otherwise get involved. If they send in a log even better!
Unassisted contesters do not see spots.  Yes, Assisted people
see spots - they get real-time help from other operators and
from remote receivers. Seems to me they should be classed as

What else is bringing people into contesting?  The huge advertising 
budget with Youtube and 30 second TV spots during the Superbowl?  The 
million dollar prizes?  Hardly.
Why stop there?  What else in not bringing people into contesting?

I am unclear how N6MJ or CT1BOH is lifting us all up. N6MJ other than giving me contacts has no effect on my score. Him being on does not give me a million point bonus. Him getting on does not bring more participants to the contest, unless he has more groupies than I know and chances are that his groupies will only work him.
Sounds like sour grapes to me :-)

They have great skill and so do others. 99 percent of the participants probably do not possess this skill,money, land, equipment or desire necessary to do what they do.
That's why the skilled and driven operators are generally in
the top 1% of winners.

They need the rest of us.  Are we not lifting them up?
It's not one-way - you get the points too.

Paul EI5DI


On 3/11/2017 4:49 PM, Jim Neiger wrote:
Give me a break, please.

1) The playing field will NEVER be level, and

2) Our lives and societies are already too much of "the tail wagging the dog".
What we need more of are the talented operators like CT1BOH  and N6MJ 
who are trying to lead by example and lift us all up, rather than 
dumb-down our technologies and skills with gimmicks like packet and 
Vy 73

Jim Neiger  N6TJ

On 3/9/2017 5:42 PM, Randy Thompson K5ZD wrote:
You are right.  We should fold the unassisted category into assisted so
everyone can compete on a level playing field...

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