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Re: [TenTec] What's going to be next?

To: John King <k5pgw@yahoo.com>, Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] What's going to be next?
From: <chacuff@cableone.net>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 17:20:21 +0000
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
Dang John....a Motor Coach...I figured you as more of a Pop Up guy...I mean it 
does everything one would want of a camping device.


Hey just a little humor...😊




From: John King
Sent: β€ŽJanuaryβ€Ž β€Ž20β€Ž, β€Ž2014 β€Ž11β€Ž:β€Ž12β€Ž β€ŽAM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment; Bob McGraw - K4TAX; Gary@ka1j.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] What's going to be next?

I often wonder if the license that I have held for 56 years still exists among 
the  numerous ego nurses around today. My Omni VI, which I have owned for 20 
years and bought used from Ten Tec used sales department, has been and still is 
a great radio. It will do practically everything, that really matters in 
communication  that present drool provoking radios will do. I can't brag about 
having the latest radio with 1,000 plus memories STACKED with 10,000 more 
memories, two S meters, 13 colors of lights and displays, a built in signal 
report sender, one that calls CQ of its' own volition, sends the QSL card via 
internet automatically, pays via Pay Pal for a return QSL, and a "good buddy" 
nose wiper when I have a respiratory problem.

What happened to Amateur "Ham" Radio? Do real Amateurs always have to care what 
"Sam" is running and not be satisfied until they have one with one more button, 
ten more lights, two more displays  and 1,000 more memories that they can't 
remember how to access? The Japanese started this merchandising contest that 
has screwed most  of the Hams in the world. Just go to a Hamfest and count the 
number of USED Japanese made radios built since they started adding buttons and 
whistles and compare the number of Ten Tec radios built during the same time 
period and you will see that REAL HAM RADIOS have a lasting satisfaction for 
REAL HAM RADIO OPERATORS. I will concede that some of that could be due to the 
millions more Japanese radios sold than TEN TECS. But there is hardly ever more 
than one used Ten Radio for sale at an average Fest.

I have five complete Ten Tec stations and if I buy another it will b another 

We can purchase what we want for whatever motivation we have, but why would 
anyone want a GREAT COMPANY like Ten Tec to  build and sell "me too" Japanese 
merchandizing to satisfy egos rather than offer a top performing radio that 
holds up and doesn't need a resale value?

I am an "old FART" and I just had to say it. Made me feel much better! But 
don't expect Ten Tec to commit Hari Kari just to satisfy the good buddy egos.  
Anyway I can't remember what is in those memories or where I put them.73, John, 

PS. I have two Icom 706 MKIIGs in my motor coach and an Icom 718 that are 
noiser than a monkey farm with the monkeys on Cocaine .

On Monday, January 20, 2014 9:34 AM, R. Eric Sluder - W9WLW 
<resluder@yahoo.com> wrote:
Bob McGraw - K4TAX <RMcGraw@Blomand.net> wrote:
>Having or having been through the "lot", today the Omni VII is the
>with the features and good performance.  Likely there are still
>in the pipe for the Omni VII.  I view this as very commendable for a
>to continue to offer enhancements for a product that is some 6 ot 7
>old but yet still in production.  It also protects ones investment in
>purchase thus holding up the value.
>As to a performance radio, the Eagle is it.  Although sporting less
>but in as smaller package, the performance both on receive and transmit
>the Eagle are equal or found to excel the Omni VII.  I truly believe,
>used one for some time, the Eagle has the best transmit and receive
>audio of 
>any radio on the market today.  I see that hams in general are looking
>lower priced radios yet seem to want a moderate to high level of 
>performance.  The Eagle fills this slot.
>Bob,  K4TAX
>This is to inform all persons, I am a Tentec Ambassador and I receive
>compensation according to the Tentec Ambassador program.  In addition,
>serve as a volunteer beta test person to Tentec for the Omni VII, Eagle
>and Argonaut VI radios.  I hold no employment relationship, no
>interests nor do I conduct any commercial business, direct or indirect,
>with Tentec.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Gary Smith" <Gary@ka1j.com>
>To: <tentec@contesting.com>
>Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2014 10:11 PM
>Subject: [TenTec] What's going to be next?
>> The Orion was a magnificent radio & it made it through two really
>> nice versions but for whatever reasons, an Omni 3 was not offered &
>> the Omni 2 was the end of life of that lineage. The current top of
>> the line is the Omni 7 which as I recall was not touted as highly as
>> the Orion but was offered at the same time.
>> Any next top of the line to be released TenTec heard about in the
>> chatter?
>> 73,
>> Gary
>> KA1J
>> ---
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A slightly larger Eagle II with the added functions you would find in the Omni 
VII, in a price range of $2500-2700 would be a show stopper.  That means it 
would need room for a 2nd RX-366 that is optional, pan adapter feature, and 
some of the regularly used functions brought out to either additional buttons 
not requiring the Func button, or to knobs, or a combination therein.  

I believe TT has the majority of the code ready due to the Eagle and Orion 
(think code for use of 2nd receiver).  They would need to select a larger 
CPU/microcontroller chip set, off load the ATU processing to a dedicated ATU 
processor and map coding to a larger display (and S-Meter for DJ0IP hi hi).

Optional, and possibly driving the cost up higher than they want to, would be 
to risk a re-do of the core DSP to match or even better then Orion 2 
performance.  I would suggest that not be done, but save that effort for an 
Omni VIII.

Just my view of things...

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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