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Re: [TowerTalk] AES SK

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] AES SK
From: Bob K6UJ <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 10:47:36 -0700
List-post: <">>
Be patient Bill :-)

AES was one of our leading merchants of ham radio equipment, (including antennas) It is sad to see them go. We are studying the economics that may have led to their demise.
As hams we go over it over and over and over (that's what we do) :-)

Not to detract from our current economic analysis, but does any one think there might be a possibility of another company buying AES ? That would be great if the stores could
remain intact,  just owned be another company.
I guess I don't get out much, hihi, but I just discovered that MFJ owns Ameritron, Hy Gain,
Mirage, Vectronics, and Cushcraft.


On 7/8/16 10:21 AM, Bill Eisinger wrote:
Could somebody please explain what this thread has to do with anything remotely 
related to towers or antennas?

Sent from my iPad

On Jul 8, 2016, at 10:08 AM, D. Scott MacKenzie <> wrote:

You are lucky you had a pension.  Most are taken away or simply not there.
This isn't a menial minimum wage job.  This is a position that pays well -
even by East Coast standards.

-----Original Message-----
From: TowerTalk [] On Behalf Of Roger
(K8RI) on TT
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2016 4:27 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] AES SK

You're partially right Jim.
I had searched the net and repeatedly came up with the 90 million, so I went
to Politifact.
They list the number of working age, subtract the number employed and come
up with 90 million BUT they point out this number with their calculations is
closer to 20 million. OTOH,  they neglect those who are under employed, or
stuck with part time work which could double the number to 40 million, or
still  substantially less than the 90 million listed in many places on the

I should have dug farther, but 8 or 10 links all showed the 90 million
figure, the disturbing trend is fewer people are entering the workforce,
 From 2009 to 2013 (last year the figures were available) the percent in the
labor force participation rate dropped from 65.7% to 63.5%  That number
includes part timers and under employed as working.
Looking up the pay scales, many of those liberal arts students will be
unable to find a job capable of paying off their college loans by the time
they retire.

I quit a job that paid better than most college grads earn, so I could go to
college, but the CS degree paid much better still with more chance for
Many would have been better off with a two year degree and a great deal less
20 to 40 million is still a very large number and that 90 million does
includes all those of working age.  Many retirees are finding it necessary
to reenter the workforce, but they aren't counted when out of work. When I
went to the university, many of the students took their first two years at a
local college and then worked to keep their debt down.

I should have worked a few more years.  It would have made a whale of a
difference in my pension and SS


Roger (K8RI)

On 7/7/2016 Thursday 12:28 PM, K7LXC--- via TowerTalk wrote:
    There are, after all, over 90 million Americans out  of work,
     Whoa! Would you please cite where you got this  info? Methinks
that would have to include infants and students to reach that  number.

Steve     K7LXC


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Roger (K8RI)

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