Hello, Never ever befor have had any doubts on this question - main target was 36 hours ON time and 12 hours OFF which includes rest time periods no less then 60 min + time before first QSO + time af
Could be, could be... But after WPX SSB I am still impressed - my personal best score ever. Don't sit with depression - just try to inprove your equipment and operating possibilities. And depression
Gents, I am not against any technical progress, any new operating techniques, but I can not feel real Amateur Spirit in announcing category, sorry... Some are right - major contests for many people i
Very disappointing. Looks like there is a try to eliminate eastern stations during the end of dx opening to US and will give an advantage to western Europe. Very often I am working over 7030 to be he
In the WAE DC rules is still clearly printed: **According to IARU Region I regulations, operation is not allowed in the following contest-free windows: New!CW : 3560-3800; 7025-7200; 14060-14350 kHz*
Hello, Good news from DARC about WAE CW freq limitation: According to IARU recommendations operation should be avoided outside contest-preferred segments. No operation to take place on: New! CW : 356
Inspection during the contest? No problem - always welcome! But: 1. I can offer a small table in the corner of the room. 2. The visitor must promisse me to be silence whatever whenever. 3. I am smoke
Hi there, The more I read the more I think there is some very positive thinks. First of all - logs publicity (what was done few years ago). Great! That gave a chance to others to analyse your log and
Felipe, Well, not so sure I could explain it absolutely correct, but by my opinion there could be some historical reasons: 1. Remember, that at older times Eastern Europe was under Communism preasure
Felipe, You are right - club stations or "clubhouses" were very important. I have had started in the club station - UK2BBB, hope oldtimers can remember this call. We were perhaps 5 youngsters in the
Pardon? Have I missed something? VI POINTS: ... 2. Contacts between stations on the same continent but different countries, two (2) points. ... Did you mean WW RTTY already moved to this ununderstand
I'm logging every QSO regardless is it dupe or not when I am calling CQ. You can never be sure was the station calling you or someone else close to your frequency. I often must to play with rit knob
Hello there, The currently announced M/S limitations in the WPX contest in my opinion will kill a part of interst in this category. I remember the time with 10min rule for M/S without any exeptions -
Hello there, Just an offer. M/S: one running band for (lets say) 15 min starting from first QSO on this band and one multiplier band for (lets say) 15 min. period, starting from the first QSO on the
Hi, What are you talking about? About dits??? Funny :) Did you feel the difference in CW between "A" and "O" (oscar)? If yes - you are lucky one. Number of contesters not... I can not understand wher
Hi, I agree with all words from all answers before. But let it be said again: the main problem with SSB (for me) is many low quality signals (not a voice, but a signal as a total one) and growing spl
IMHO this mis-configuration could be as a basic not only in this contest, but especially in IARU because it is very specific in HQ class. And I hope many of you could understand it without any explan
Hello ALL, After a very long time I was very lucky to work three USA stations on 10m in ARRL CW - KW1M, NR4M and K3LR. Thank you very much guys!!! I have heard one more station - W3LPL - but have had
And it works not only on 80m, but on 40m as well: - you have less QRM from local stations; - you can better use DX opening time; - you can save a time for both sides instead of trying to collect nece
Hello John, Usually I am filling a QSL card for SWL station as a regular QSL card and the only difference is I am printing "SWL" in report window/line instead of 59 or 579. As a former SWL long time