Ed, W3NR, has asked me to post this to the group. He uses a telnet client called NetdePC and wonders if there is a way to interface it with WL. I don't know. The WL telnet program and DXTelnet are th
I think RAM is probably more important than CPU speed with WL. A 133 mhz machine should work OK with at least 96M RAM. I am presently using a 200 mhz machine with 96M RAM and it made a BIG difference
Sorry guys but I won't be able to upload the new master RTTY database file until between the 1st & 2nd periods of SARTG. Just got home and have to go eat and then start the contest. 73, Don AA5AU
New RTTY master callsign database in both .dta for writelog and .cal for other programs plus new Friend.ini file located on www.rttycontesting.com. Zipped file aa5au_rtty081503.zip can be downloaded
First upgrade to MMTTY version 1.65 and see if the problem goes away. It's going to be hard to tell now that the contest is over but there's another contest in 2 weeks (SCC) and will be a good time t
Yes, you missed the SM6SRW RTTY contest modules which can be found on the WriteLog website under the third party downloads at: http://www.writelog.com/ThirdPartyDownloads.htm It's called WLCM_SM6SRW_
Just wanted everyone to know that the offending E-mail containing a worm or virus being circulated with my callsign is NOT coming from my machine. I use Norton which is completely up-to-date. The E-m
I sent a different reply to Gary directly. After reading this one, I'm not sure Bob is correct. Gary was asking about PTT. In MMTTY stand-alone, PTT (and FSK) are controlled on the same COM port as s
This happened to me once or twice and I'm not sure why, but I can tell you a few things about it. If the window goes off the screen, there a couple of ways to recover it. Once it's recovered. Put it
For those that have not yet participated in the ARRL's Logbook of the World (LOTW) beta test, I've written a step-by-step tutorial on how to download the software, install the software, create the ce
With the sale of the RTTY Journal to CQ and the future of the RTTY Journal website unknown (although I've been told it will stay for a while anyway), I've decided to capture the RTTY Records and have
I've converted the first of several tutorials to Word and uploaded to rttycontesting.com. This makes each page printable on a standard printer and kind of looks better too. There's link from the main
The Australian ANARTS RTTY contest starts tomorrow. The solar flux jumped to 193 yesterday but is falling quickly. There is a possibility of decent condx this weekend if the K can go to 2 or lower al
Perhaps I'm missing something here, but the file I downloaded WLCM_DL1EFD_030617.exe and it does not contain the DL-DX module. Any clue? Thanks, Don AA5AU
I fully agree with George and his method of preparing the log files for ANARTS (and any other contest that requires logs by band). However, I did want to point out that if you were in the contest cas
New tutorial on how to create the necessary files for submitting your ANARTS logs (or any other log submission that requires "log for each band") when using WriteLog. There's a link from THE www.rtty
This is from the DXT2WL.TXT file: Note: DXT2WL.EXE requires that the MSVBVM50.DLL library file is present in your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory If you get a WriteLog error message saying "Could not cre
Uploaded printable page on searching and editing the system registry (this is for Win95, Win98 & Win2000). I don't if it's done the same way with XP or NT. I'd like to know though, if someone out the
Larry is absolutely right, check http://www.rttycontesting.com/aa0yx.html for comments from Denis, AA0YX, on how to set this up with Win XP. This page should print on a printer OK too. Thanks Larry (
On behalf of Frank Fallon, N2FF, I'm pleased to announce there is a favorable change in the schedule for this year's RTTY Forum at the Dayton Hamvention. Just today, Frank was able to secure a more f