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[CQ-Contest] Zero-point QSO's in CQWW

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Zero-point QSO's in CQWW
From: w7why@mail.coos.or.us (Tom Osborne)
Date: Mon Nov 16 16:52:01 1998

"Norton, Richard" wrote:

>> In my unofficial opinion, the contest has a number of inequities in it which 
>>  are much more deserving of attention than same-country >contacts. I don't 
>> think zero-point QSO's need fixing.
> 73,
> Dick N6AA/VK5

Hi Dick.

I think the zero point rule takes a lot of fun out of the
contest.  Personally, I log everybody who calls me, regardless of
how many times I've worked that section.
Contests from my station, like the WPX, get kinda boring at night
after the higher bands close down.  I don't have the antenna
system to be able to run DX on 40 meters, and I struggle on 80 to
work DX.  I hear the East coast running Eu. on 40 and 80, and the
majority of the stations I hear calling CQ are the ones I've
already worked on the higher bands during the day.  I would
dearly love to have some big antennas on 40 and 80, but I don't
and probably never will.  It would be fun to be able to work
someone at night just to have something to do.  73 and CUL

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