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Re: Topband: Caribbean Operations On 160m?

To: "Raymond Benny" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Caribbean Operations On 160m?
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 01:44:14 -0400
List-post: <>
Tonight I will get on 160 at 0830 Z.
Will go to FT8 if there are no too few CW callers.


On Mon, 12 Aug 2024 17:41:32 -0700 Raymond Benny  wrote:

I am patiently waiting for a 160m FT8 QSO. This morning, I was up at 2:30 am 
local and saw that N5J had called two CQ on 1.836 at 0900z with no replies. I 
got there 30 minutes too late!

I know it's not productive to sit on 1.836 calling CQ all night and get only a few resposes. So, I'd like to ask if you could give us a time between, say, 0600z and 1300z, 11pm -6am West Coast time, so that we could look for N5J on FT8? Another option would be to say you will call CQ on 1.836 on the hour, or half hour.

I'll be 80 yo in a few months and getting up at odd dark hours is getting hard 
on the body...

Thanks for understanding and for the other band QSOs.

W7YA - FT8

Oh, a 60m QSO would be nice too.

[img] <> <> #DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2

On Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 5:22 PM GEORGE WALLNER <> wrote:
40 m has been a problem at N5J. Often we have S9+20 dB over-the-horizon radar signal blanketing from 6.95 to 7.050 for hours at a time. We are considering operating at 7050, but that is very close to the FT8 frequencies. We hope to find a break in the QRM to work NA.

GL and 73,
N5J Team

On Sun, 11 Aug 2024 18:46:31 -0700 Steve Harrison  wrote:
Anybody know what the parameters or requirements for operating 160m from
KG4/Guantanamo Bay are these days? Looking at my 160m worked list, I see
that I'm missing one heck of a lot of Caribbean entities that should be
like shooting fish in a barrel 8-D But we don't hear many of those guys
too often, other than stalwarts like Kenny-KP4AA, KP4TF, and a few
others. Yeah, I know: t-storm QRN can be horrendous, especially around
hurricane season, out there. Still, once that's over, we still don't
seem to hear too many of those "rarer" Caribbean entities on topband much.

Another that I'd dearly-love to work is PY2RO; but the last several
times I've heard him, although he was well above my noise floor and
working JAs, he never responded to my calls (almost like trying to work

Right now, I'm waiting for N5J to show up on 40m CW, the last band I
need them on. I saw them spotted a few days ago working JAs... four
hours after my sunrise!

Steve, K0XP

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