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Re: Topband: CY9C

To: "ok1tn " <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: CY9C
From: "Mark, PA5MW via Topband" <>
Reply-to: "Mark, PA5MW" <>
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2024 12:20:31 +0200
List-post: <>
Hi Slavek,

Take a break.
I did for some years. It helped.
Bad behavior was and will be always here, some decades are worse.
At CY9C I decided already early to ‘skip this one’.
I will work more on lowering local noise, trying more using diversity RX.
And then there’s other  stuff in life to enjoy.
Just decided this week to sell severl antenna materials and buy a better 
Espresso Machine.
Priorities change.
Take a break.
Because your knowledge is MUCH needed, now and in the future.

Mark  PA5MW

Sent from Mail for Windows

From: ok1tn 
Sent: Saturday, 7 September 2024 08:32
Subject: Topband: CY9C

Hi dxers.

I am 78. I have all ctrs cfm. I had a dream to land 300 on 160m. I will not 
complete the remaining 3 lands. I gave up no more dxcc. Not only the FT8 but
also the behavior of some of today's hams has discouraged me from 
continuing. All my life I have been perfecting the setup, especially the 
antenna setup. I have carried out several expeditions, including to the 
Pacific, Africa, Asia, etc. I wish the rest of my friends to enjoy a 
wonderful hobby that will no longer bring me joy and pleasure.

Ch. Slavek ok1tn,

73 Slavek Zeler
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