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Re: [TowerTalk] Stacking Dissimilar Antennas

To: "Mark Beckwith" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Stacking Dissimilar Antennas
From: Pete Smith <>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 09:40:43 -0400
List-post: <>
This is true, of course, but an even more important advantage, IMO, is take-off 
angle diversity; simply by switching from both antennas to the bottom one, I 
often find that it will revitalize a European run that had seemed to be drying 
up.  Top-only does not have the same effect, because the center of the first 
lobe is still at the same angle as the stack, or very close to it.

73, Pete

At 07:34 AM 8/21/2006, Mark Beckwith wrote:
>> Just one added point - for tri-bander stacks,
>> spacings of less than .5 wavelength on 20M are
>> quite common because the spacing used is
>> necessarily a compromise between three bands
>> (or at least 2, these days).
>Also, gain is often not the main goal when stacking tribanders; the main 
>goal is often to cover two directions at once.
>Mark, N5OT
>TowerTalk mailing list


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