Tom said:
>It's like measuring your feedline in the shack with a GDO to
tell where the antenna connected at the other end is high
impedance or low impedance! Why would anyone do that?<
I don't see what a GDO would tell you, but an impedance bridge would -
although you would need to know the feedline characteristics. At one time, I
did actually measure my feeders short and open to determine their electrical
length and loss, and of course, from that, I could work out the antenna
>From which, the story starts that 'you can measure antenna impedance from the
>shack' Somebody says how, and is told that 'you use an RF bridge and a signal
>source' which when he passes it on turns into 'an RF bridge and GDO as a
>signal source' which becomes 'RF bridge and GDO' and before you know it, ' we
>hold these truths self evident that you can measure antenna impedance from the
>shack with a GDO, so help me God' .
Peter G3RZP
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