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Re: [Amps] placement of RF choke bypass cap.

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] placement of RF choke bypass cap.
From: "Carl" <>
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 10:08:12 -0400
List-post: <">>
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill, W6WRT" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] placement of RF choke bypass cap.

> Roger, think about this: Is't your fully shielded amplifier cabinet a
> miniature version of a screen room? So how does the RF get out of the
> cabinet?

There is no such thing as a fully shielded amp.

> If you look at the coax connector, I think we can agree there is no
> problem with the center conductor, but what about the shield side?
> According to your theory, skin effect should prevent any current from
> flowing THROUGH the cabinet from the shield side on the inside to the
> shield side on the outside. But there it is.

The thru coax connector connection is not a perfect short at RF. There is 
plenty of surface area to pass the current. There are also numerous other 
openings, holes, hardware, etc.
RF is like water, it will find a way to leak.

> And how about the ground lug on the amplifier cabinet? How can RF get
> from the inside of the fully shielded cabinet, through the cabinet to
> the ground lug? But it does.

See above.

> How can that be? Answer; A screen room (and a fully shielded cabinet)
> prevents RADIATED energy from escaping, but not CONDUCTED energy. And
> that is what this discussion started out about.

Build your amp with screen room integrity and report back.


> 73, Bill W6WRT
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