Herzog wrote:
> RE: Tell me guys.
> Who's idiot enough to build a 5 kilowatt amplifier and use it at the 1,5 kW
> level?
> Are we kidding ourselves or not?
> Alex 4Z5KS
> ==================
> People wouldn't want to admit public ally to running what used to be
> called a "California Kilowatt"; that would be proving the idiot part.
> K2LB
A 5 kW tube run at 1.5 kW could be made more linear than something run closer
it's maximum. As the tube ages, the drop of emmision would be less of an issue
than with a tube run closer to it's maximum. As someone else said, if you have
the parts, that would be another reason for using using a 5 kW amplifier.
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