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Re: [Amps] Astron Power Supply replies

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Astron Power Supply replies
From: "Jim W7RY" <>
Reply-to: Jim W7RY <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 20:49:02 -0800
List-post: <">>
Stay with the 2N3771. There is and even better pass transistor replacement that is recommended on the repeater builder astron page.
Jim W7RY

-----Original Message----- From: Gary Smith
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Astron Power Supply replies


Thank you all so much for the replies regarding upgrades, suggestions
and green wire dealings with my two Astron power supplies. The only
reason I asked that here was the mention of the green neutral being
left in a floating condition on at least some of the Astron PS. I
need to repair the one that is Kaput and am looking around for a
LM723 around here as the links mention that to be a common culprit,
I've used them before in several projects and probably have several
gathering dust in an old Radio Shack package. If not, I see them
listed quite inexpensively on ebay and will pick up several for
future issues I may encounter.

The four 2N3771 transistors really do run hot on the VS-35M, can't
say I touched them on the RS-35M but surely they are the same, the
circuit between the two PS are very similar. I'm assuming I can use
any off the shelf 2N3771 & the .05 5W wirewounds will balance them
fairly. On the PS I made some years back I used 3055's and I have
several of them unused, would these be more rugged or should I stick
with the 3771 as it comes with?

Mention was made of Arctic Silver; I have some Arctic Silver 5 & some
of their Ceramique which I too used in overclocking computers. I can
certainly remove & replace the heat sink compound with this, not a
big job and using it did lower my core temps on the computer

I really appreciate the links and help.

Thanks & 73,


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