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Re: [Amps] HV transformer and Variac

Subject: Re: [Amps] HV transformer and Variac
From: Colin Lamb <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2015 20:55:28 -0700
List-post: <">>

>Hello all.
>Question for the experts.
>How does using a Variac to control the output of a HV transformer affect things like efficiency?

Since the auto-transformer is a transformer, it will introduce some losses and therefore reduce efficiency. Losses depend upon the core, the turns per volt and various other factors. If the input and output voltage is the same, losses would be fairly low, but as the difference between input and output voltage increases, losses will increase.

With an auto-transformer, you would change the plate current when the voltage is changed, so the plate load remains constant. This is the nice thing about an auto-transformer because you can switch from low to high power without retuning, just as you can with a tapped and switched secondary.

Efficiency will change when you depart from the design voltage range of the final amplifier tube - but in your case you are using the auto-transformer to run the tube at the rated voltage, so the main loss will be with the auto-transformer. So, to answer your question specifically, it will depend upon the auto-transformer.

73,  Colin  K7FM

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