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Re: [Amps] SS amps watercooling - was PowerGenius XL

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] SS amps watercooling - was PowerGenius XL
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2017 04:46:36 -0500
List-post: <">>
Sorry, but that is not true. I too used to think of distilled water as being neutral, but, "pure, distilled water is highly corrosive and will suck up metallic ions like mad.

Water is one of the best mediums for heat transfer, however, tap water would work well in a SS amp with the heat sink/spreader at chassis ground potential. Tap water would not wok in a tupe amp where it has to cool the anode of a tube at a high potential.

I worked with this stuff (DI & Distilled)  for close to 20 years.


Roger (K8RI)

On 3/6/2017 10:12 AM, Al Kozakiewicz wrote:
Distilled water is deionized by definition.  Ions have a much lower vapor 
pressure than H2O and thus aren't boiled off in the process. Distillation is a 
common way of producing deionized water.

Water is not "highly corrosive". It has a pH of 7 - completely neutral. If the 
water being distilled has corrosive contaminates whose vapor pressure is greater than 
water, then the distillate will have them too, but since the VP of water is already 
higher than the mineral salts that are the typical corrosives, the most likely 
contaminates are organic.

This anecdote has some more complicated explanation than "distilled water is highly 


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