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Re: [Amps] Alpha 87 (not 87A)

Subject: Re: [Amps] Alpha 87 (not 87A)
From: Steve Wright <>
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2017 08:57:42 +1300
List-post: <>
On 08/11/17 08:30, Jim Brown wrote:
On 11/7/2017 10:03 AM, Steve Wright wrote:
It's an even more serious mistake to overtly self-police when there are no issues to fix.

I don't understand what you mean by "self-police."

No, you don't, and you should, along with the harm the comes from acting out and actively selling your beliefs to others.


Every time I tune my RX to the SSB part of any active band, I hear splatter where the suppressed sideband should be, and beyond the cutoff of the TX sideband filter on the active sideband. And I see the distortion on a good spectrum display that I'm certain is not being generated in the receiver.

That is a BELIEF.  It's not SCIENCE.

It is all too common for a SSB station to be occupying 10 kHz of a band (and I'm not talking about stations TRYING to transmit "hi-fi.)" And I typically observe this on many signals, not just a few.

HOW many?  What percentage?  Quote the ACTUAL numbers, aside from what you BELIEVE.

Why does this matter?  Because many of us want to work the weaker stations on either side of that splattering rig. And because FCC Rules require that our transmitted signal observe the minimum bandwidth required for the means of transmission. And because using more than that bandwidth is selfish is piggish. It's the equivalent of those obnoxious teenage (and older) drivers with super loud audio systems driving down the road with their windows open, cranked up so loud that you feel the vibration of the bass.

In school, in WV, I learned that with rights come responsibilities.

Sure, but your COMPLAINTS are ANECDOTES, with lots of 'always' and 'never'.  That's not SCIENCE, that's OPINION presented as fact. Without science, you are acting out what you believe.

You don't have the right to repeatedly and tiresomely peddle your beliefs to the community - that infringes on THEIR rights, so that you have YOUR needs met.  That is called virtue signalling.

Go DO as you choose, as I do.  I'll stand up for your rights to do that.


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