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[CQ-Contest] Re:WPX results vs. SM2EKM claims

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re:WPX results vs. SM2EKM claims
From: W8IK@ibm.net (Joe Subich, W8IK/4)
Date: Tue Mar 30 10:53:02 1999

> At 08:06 AM 3/30/1999 +0200, SM2EKM wrote:
> >
> >One question: Why should the point structure be different in the
> >North American continent compared to the rest of the world if
> >this is supposed to be a WW contest (also CQWW) ???
> >
> To keep us from competing evenly with Europe!  To truly level the 
> playing field, the rules should divide the United States into regions 
> (call-areas?) roughly the size of the major countries of Europe, and 
> permit different-country credit for QSOs between them, particularly 
> on the low bands.  

How about eliminating the country differential?  Simply 1 point (or 
2 points, take your pick) for QSOs within one's own continent and 
3 points (or 5 points, again pick-em) for QSOs with another continent? 
Miltipliers ... total band-prefixes.  There's still an incentive to 
work DX (higher inter-continental points) ... 

   ... Joe Subich, W8IK/4  ex-AD8I

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