N7MAL continued:
>Brett the problem for those of us who use CT is CT won't generate a
>Cabrillo file for the AA contest. In the header there is this message:
>Cabrillo Format not yet implemented for this contest
>CT users are stuck using the manual robot at JARL. I don't blame K1EA for
>not including Cabrillo for AA because it's not supported by JARL. I also
>don't lay any blame on Trey N5KO. Trey developed what was supposed to be a
>'standard'. Other folks decided they were smarter than the 'standard' and
>decided to change it, thereby no longer making it 'standard'.
>We are all between a rock and hard place on this issue. We all become
>aware of it, every year, because of problems submitting logs to JARL for AA.
Nobody can implement Cabrillo for AA, as the two basic things that
need to be in the Cabrillo specification are missing for AA: a defined
name for the contest (for the CONTEST: field) & a QSO template.
Until the Cabrillo specification includes a defined name for the contest
& a QSO template for that contest, then Cabrillo is less than the
standard intended/hoped for/perceived to be.
Rock & a hard place is a reasonable assessment - until a contest
can be enshrined in the Cabrillo specification, either that contest has
to go it alone (often by making minor or sometimes not so minor
deviations to Cabrillo), try to conform with Cabrillo as-is (use an
defined QSO template) or make up your own.
There seems to be an issue with getting a contest into the Cabrillo
specification. K1EA & N6TR do the right thing by not implementing
Cabrillo for contests not in the Cabrillo specification, IMHO (as
frustrating as it can be). Anyone doing _anything_ not in the Cabrillo
specification as N5KO defines it deters from the entire point of
having the standard.
The fact that there is interest by contests to go about Cabrillo the
correct way - by getting into the specification - and are not able to
do so is also contrary to the apparent desire to have a standard &
even detracts somewhat if that standard was not intended to be as a
universal standard we hope/perceive it to be.
I have changed my thinking somewhat - seemingly whacky formats
like JARL's are okay. JARL's is actually not so whacky & is gracious
enough to be quite flexible with how the QSO data must be. Those
contests that use Cabrillo as best as they can, given the apparent
reticence in engaging those contests willing to embrace it, are
lucky if they can live with an existing QSO template - but must not
play games with any of the header fields (that means not even
possible to use the CONTEST: field).
Those that, no matter how frustrating it may be, want to be part of
the solution & do Cabrillo correctly but have header or template
requirements that require engaging N5KO, really have no choice but
to either go it alone as JARL has or come up with an alternative that
is not only as good a solution to the problem as what Trey has
devised, but can be carried through for the benefit of us all (sponsors,
volunteers, developers & participants).
We really could use a common log submission format & it should
be possible. This isn't COFDM vs VSB, ATSC vs DVB or anything
like that - no vested interests, no political considerations - just ham
radio contest logs. ;^)
73, VR2BrettGraham
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