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Re: [CQ-Contest] NILs hurt

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] NILs hurt
From: Barry <w2up@comcast.net>
Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 17:13:08 -0600
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Whenever I hear "QSO B4," I just think "what an idiot" and move on.
Barry W2UP

On 9/4/2013 15:47, Dale Putnam wrote:
That's the one that I adore... BECAUSE: if I don't have him in the log... there is a 
large possiblity that he isn't in any WY log... AND that would then penalize him for a 
mult, and a Q.. and possibly to many nils too. Gee.. that would be a rather heavy cost 
for spending such an inordinate amount of time that it would take to make sure that I 
have him in MY log.. correctly!  Another one is those stations that like to save their 
valuable time by shifting speed in the middle of an exchange.. under poor copy.. that is 
a guarantee for a missed Q.. especially when going back to insure correctness, I get 
slapped with a QB4 sri.  I know, I know.. he is in the zone.. unfortunately.. not in my 
zone/log.  And when I speed up to match his speed he can't copy... gee now there is a 
real quandry.Do I slow down for his "copy" speed... half of what he is 
sending.. or do I resend the exchange at the same too fast for him to copy speed, even 
thohe continues to ask for fills at too fast a rat
  for him to copy... OR.. do I go faster... just to insure I match his sending 
speed... because that is what courteous ops do.. match the sending speed.  OH.. 
decisions.. decisions... what is a fellow to do?

Have a great day,
--... ...--
Dale - WC7S in Wy
Hearing QSO B4 is so annoying when calling a station that is not in your
log. It happens to me almost every contest. I work the dupes that call me!

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