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Re: [CQ-Contest] NILs hurt

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] NILs hurt
From: Joe <nss@mwt.net>
Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 09:55:06 -0500
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
This below is a problem with many of the giant pileup stations. if you need them to correct your information, you're mostly out of luck. I'm a probably minority here. I am in the class of copy and make sure absolute positive you got it right of what was heard.
I would even go for that get the exchange wrong? Yes you are penalized 
not only for that Q, but the total value of the Q before and after the 
bad Q is removed also. There needs to be strong consequences to not 
listening and get the exchange correct, just so you can keep your rate up.
The Original Rolling Ball Clock
Idle Tyme
On 9/4/2013 7:58 AM, ve4xt@mymts.net wrote:

Yes, however, that's often easier said than done.

Many, many times I've worked a running station and have had to correct him/her 
on a piece of the exchange, he's so busy in the pileup he either doesn't hear 
you or doesn't consider a fix important enough.

Nobody should be expected to continue sacrificing other QSOs to keep banging 
head against wall for too much time, and that amount of time is roughly the 
same as what the 'mult worth' calculator of some loggers would show, IMHO.

If you can fix the Q, do it. If you can't, all you can do is move on. If his 
error is big enough, you'll lose the Q anyway, so no real loss.


Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 4, 2013, at 7:29, "Jukka Klemola" <jpklemola@gmail.com> wrote:

How come so many suggest stopping there, removing the QSO and then tuning
for the next frequency?

I was expecting someone or anyone suggesting calling again the station that
is on thr frequency and is not in your log.
Why go and try to find a next frequency as you already are on a frequency
of a station that you do not have in your log?

Finalise the QSO ..

That will yield you more QSOs at the end of the contest.
It also produces a bigger score.

Jukka OH6LI

2013/9/4 <ve4xt@mymts.net>

Surely, if there's been a good-faith effort to get the Q, leave it in the

But if you know the Q is not complete, and your best efforts to complete
it fail, by getting a fill or correcting his error, then there is no Q to
remove. It didn't exist.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 3, 2013, at 20:48, john@kk9a.com wrote:

I think it is a very poor practice to receive a report, send your report
then removed the station from your log unless you have a good reason to
believe that the station did not log you.  There should be something in
rules prohibiting this practice.  Most stations will ask you to repeat
report and work hard to copy it correctly before moving on to the next
station.  If the station just sends his callsign, QRZ,  dit dit, etc,
may be his way of acknowledging the contact and moving on to the next
caller.  Listen to the operator's operating style before calling.

John KK9A / P40A

----- Original Message -----
From: <KB3LIX@comcast.net>
To: <john@kk9a.com>; "Contest, CQ" <CQ-Contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2013 19:59
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] NILs hurt

I consider an acknowledgement to be a:

Got it

Something along those lines. CERTAINLY nothing fancy,
just a reply that they got the exchange. Frankly, I do NOT want
them to repeat MY exchange, that wastes too much time, mine and theirs.

Many times I will try to ask IF they got the exchange, and most if not
all times they just keep slugging away.

Understand, I am not a biggie.
100w, a 4BTV & a homemade 130' doublet, so I do not
have a "big mouth" and when I ask for a confirmation, I am often
drowned out by the cacophony of other callers.

I have lost quite a few multipliers due to my impatience or
stubbornness or whatever it is and that HURTS, but I cannot in good
count Q's that I do not consider complete.

bill   73   KB3LIX

----- Original Message -----
From: john@kk9a.com
To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Cc: KB3LIX@comcast.net
Sent: Sunday, September 1, 2013 12:04:36 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] NILs hurt

What do you consider an acknowledgement?  Many stations, including
running at a high rate, just give a quick TU, thanks or just say their
callsign looking for the next contact. I never repeat your exchange. If I
did not copy it I would ask for a repeat.

John P40A

To:"Contest, CQ" <CQ-Contest@contesting.com>
Subject:[CQ-Contest] Fwd: NILs hurt
Date:Sun, 1 Sep 2013 03:53:16 +0000 (UTC)

If I do not get a solid acknowledgement from another station in a
I DELETE the ENTRY in my logging program.
Of course, I am NOT a big time contester, just a small fish,
but I figure if they are in too much of a rush to skip the confirmation,
they DESERVE the NIL...Not me.

I am sure most will say I am FOS, but too bad.
That is my way of doing things.

bill   KB3LIX

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