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[Karlnet] licences

To: "'Karlnet Mailing List'" <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Subject: [Karlnet] licences
From: "Guillermo Bricaire" <gbricaire@bricaire.com>
Reply-to: Karlnet Mailing List <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 11:01:13 -0700
List-post: <mailto:karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
According to the price list they no longer sell the windows client
licence and the licence to program an AP1000 as a Remote Outdoor Router
or a central Outdoor Router, am I correct?

-----Original Message-----
From: karlnet-bounces@WISPNotes.com
[mailto:karlnet-bounces@WISPNotes.com] On Behalf Of Blair Davis
Sent: Martes, 20 de Julio de 2004 09:11 a.m.
To: karlnet@WISPNotes.com
Subject: [Karlnet] YDI killing Karlnet

Well, it has happened.

On 7/2/04, I  attempted to order an HF-600 and an XN-700 from Karlnet 
via Winncom Technologies.  Last week, not yet having received the order,

I called Winncom and asked about it.  Today, via email I received this 
from Winncom:

... I just received word back from my purchasing manager that the items 
you have ordered had been discontinued by Karlnet....

I did not want to believe it, so I called Winncom and confirmed it.

I then called Karlnet directly and was informed that all the flashrom 
hardware has been dropped.

What next?  Will they drop the KN-50/105/205?  Without the flashrom 
units how are we to deploy high traffic towers?  With the KN-205?  It 
doesn't have the CPU power we need or the ability to support 3 radio 

They 'obviously' don't want us to deploy new towers. This doesn't make a

lot of sense.....  If I can't build karlnet towers, why would I buy 
karlnet CPE's?

YDI's true colors are now showing.

However, if you use Karlnet products, and you don't wish to have to 
start over on your network, we might all try e-mailing Karlnet and 
asking that they change this decision.  I suggest we send our comments 
to Karlnet Support.  Perhaps enough reaction by us will make a

Or maybe, someone has an appropriate address at YDI for us to send mail 

Blair Davis
West Michigan Wireless ISP

A division of
Camp Communication Services, INC

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