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To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] 4U1VIC
From: wk6i at twistedoak.com (Jeff Stai WK6I)
Date: Thu May 8 13:44:03 2003
At 09:25 AM 5/8/2003, Roberto wrote:
>Today i have received following qsl via bureau:
>4U1VIC - Vienna International Amateur Radio Club - United Nations in Vienna
>QSO1: SEP-1999 - RTTY - 15M
>QSO2: NOV-2001 - CW - 15M
>This callsing is valued for 4U-ITU or 4U-UN ??????

I have contacts with 4U1WB (World Bank) in Washington DC, which are considered 
a US (K) contact.

If this is an indication, then your QSL would be OE (Austria).

Best to check with the DXCC desk to be sure - 73! - jeff wk6i

Jeff Stai               jds@twistedoak.com
Twisted Oak Winery      http://www.twistedoak.com/
Rocketry Org. of CA     http://www.rocstock.org/
Amateur Radio           WK6I

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