On Mon, 23 Oct 2006 19:44:30 -0500, "Jay Bromley" <jayw5jay@cox.net>
>The bandscope is really worth it's weight in gold in a RTTY contest. If you
>spend some time with it, you can tell which signals are CW or RTTY like on a
>busy 40m band. It also helps to find a clear frequency to call CQ on.
------------ REPLY FOLLOWS ------------
The bandscope is also excellent for finding when a band is open in the
first place, especially at this low point of the solar cycle. Just go
to ten meters and watch it for about 10-15 seconds. If anyone is
there, you will see them. It would take you several minutes of careful
manual tuning to reach the same conclusion.
Bill, W6WRT
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