Please don't think I am arguing the point here..after being chastised
on-air for calling CQ at about 7045 (RTTY) on a very quiet (my end)
early evening "in the middle of the ""CW Band""" , I guess I dont
understand the difference between staying away from the PSK area and at
the same time overlaying the entire CW portion.
Is the fundamental difference the way in which it is received?
(Waterfall with limited span?) or what?
Now, I surely dont ever jump on top of ANY other contact in process, CW
included, but the reality is, that wherever we go with RTTY, even if it
is quiet from our end, there is probably someone else somewhere we are
covering up.
So...what is the protocol--do we rigidly adhere to the ARRL band plans
--except its ok not to in contests--or what?
Regarding the CW/RTTY issue, CW operation has the largest available
spectrum so should have no issue even at 7045 for example, in my
opinion.. I never hear any RTTY below 7035 for the most part except a
few during contests.
I've just recently returned to RTTY and other digital modes after many
years off so would like to understand the current thinking. Again not
arguing the need to operate without interfering--esp. the fixed
beacons. For PSK, I have no idea why we would treat it any different
than any other mode. Please learn me :)
Shelby Summerville wrote:
> This has been posted, before, and after February NAQP RTTY, it needs posting
> again. I'm a strong proponent of "not preaching to the choir", but, short of
> a rules change, I feel this is the best way to "get the word out"! Before
> y'all inundate me with "technical" examples: "I use a KAMPlus for my RTTY
> operation, and if I can copy your signal, in any of the below mentioned
> frequencies, you're too close"!
> Although I have absolutely no control over unmanned Packet stations, that
> cause interference, in the RTTY portion of the bands, I do have some over
> the alleged interference caused by participants, in NAQP RTTY! Most, and all
> should, know that 14.100 is the frequency of the NCDXF beacon. During NAQP
> RTTY, transmitting between 14.099-14.101 is not allowed! Also, in the spirit
> of cooperation, during NAQP RTTY, transmitting between 14.069-14.073, is
> also not allowed! These "off limits" frequencies are not a part of the
> rules, yet. I prefer to allow the participants in NAQP RTTY to "self police"
> and follow these guidelines. Several stations were monitored, by me, calling
> CQ, between 14.099-14.101, and I have a complaint of interference, with
> ongoing PSK QSO's, between 14.069-14.073. Please don't force a change in the
> rules, and refrain from transmitting in the aforementioned frequencies.
> Shelby Summerville, K4WW
> Contest Manager
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