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Re: [RTTY] digital signal on 14240

To: cc@comcen.org, roger@g3ldi.co.uk
Subject: Re: [RTTY] digital signal on 14240
From: Tom Carrubba KA2D <ka2d@arrl.net>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 17:00:08 -0400
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Hello Chris, and all who answered us,

Thank you for all your efforts and information. As Chris has stated, there is nothing we can do except wait for them to move.
Tom KA2D

-----Original Message----- From: Chris Cummings
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 6:39 AM
To: roger@g3ldi.co.uk
Cc: k.siwiak@ieee.org ; John GW4SKA ; rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] digital signal on 14240

On 10/08/2013 07:36, Roger Cooke wrote:

I don't have my FT2000 working as yet so could not check this, but I
have noticed this type
of signal before. It's usually Russian in origin and they use the
amateur bands as and when
they wish to test, park and idle these type of RTTY signals. A message
to our Intruder Watch
would be the best thing to do, so I have included Chris in as CC with
this message.  He has
some very good connections and can usually wave his "magic wand" at
these intruders.
    Hope you don't mind me copying you in with this one Chris.

73 de Roger, G3LDI

Hi All,
As Roger has said, this is very likely to be Russian military in
origin. It has been identified as a Moscow based, 75 Bd 250 Hz shift
data transmission by the German IW in cooperation with their PTT. The
Russians totally ignore amateur band and other `exclusive' HF allocation
restrictions and please themselves where they transmit. They have done
this for the 40+ years that I have had a licence and I cannot see them
suddenly adopting a responsible and civilised attitude!
Sorry that nothing official can be achieved. The only compensation is
that they tend to use these frequencies for only a few days at a time
before they QSY on to someone else's `exclusive' allocation!


Chris Cummings  G4BOH


RSGB Intruder Watch

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