Daniel Jeswald wrote:
> I know they had a bunch of those 'South of the Border' types cancelled. I
> was a VE with the ARRL. Maybe still am, but haven't done it in a while.
> One of the local groups uses W5YI, I don't think they will be a problem.
> I seek advice from those that know if I should pursue doing the VE bit for
> the club under the W5YI program here???
With all due respect for Dan's "geography" ( ):> ), South Carolina is
not South of the Border, unless you live in North Carolina of course.
It's been a while, but I remember the FCC voided every single license
issued by the
W5YI VEC for a period of about 3 months. Extensive fraud by the
examiners, unqualified examiners, and participants were named. And
that included allegations by the FCC that some individuals had been
given the actual tests prior to the examination.