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Re: [Trlog] Too late... but thanks.. VY1JA

Subject: Re: [Trlog] Too late... but thanks.. VY1JA
From: VR2BrettGraham <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 09:01:02 +0000
List-post: <>
I once had either an Oldtimer's moment or something glitched &
found myself in something like J's position.

As I recall, I was able to undelete the restart.bin file.  From
this, POST was able to at least tell me calls, order of lost bit
of log (what was not in log.dat or logtmp.dat) & the band/mode
of the lost Qs.  Example:

80CW  211 JA6VU
40CW   95 VK6HG
40CW   96 JA6UDI
40CW   97 JF1CST
40CW   98 JH7AKT
40CW   99 JA3WFG
40CW  100 JA6UBK

What POST reconstituted from recovered restart.bin has allowed
me to recreate the lost bit of log, which through extrapolation &
times from QSLs since received, is well on its way to a complete

Maybe not too late for J - this happened to me on a Win 98
machine booted up for DOS prompt.  I did a few things immediately
after which were rather counterproductive (though not surprising
considering situation at the time) & still have a complete log (if
was a contest, certainly would have been able to send most of
entry plus bit of checklog).

Sorry to hear this happened to you J.  From my experience, TR
may be best for this to happen with, even if TRMASTER doesn't
like your call.  ;^)

I still run dedicated DOS 6.22 machine at home with undelete TSR
of some sort - perfect for when one forgets at end of weekend to
simply do ^X Y N, perhaps copy files to floppy, switch computer
off & not touch again until Tuesday when operator is less dangerous.

73, VR2BrettGraham

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