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[TenTec] low priced Ten-Tec, Modules

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] low priced Ten-Tec, Modules
From: bames@mecasw.com (bames@mecasw.com)
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 10:57:40 -0400

But why is the frq changing? Is it because the rig has just been turned on
 or because operating it raises the temp?

Bill Ames

>>.ddn mecasw.com(bames)

I've heard it described as a problem with overcommitting the processor.
It can't do both CW and frequency correction duties when the CW speed
exceeds something in the 25 wpm range.  This was mentioned sometime in
the past - maybe 3-4 months ago.  I don't think TT has confirmed it, but
then sometimes (from experience) it takes extra effort to get them to
admit to a problem.  ...

     73,  Duane    AC5AA

Duane A. Calvin
Tie: 793-3368 or lab 3-8731

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