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Re: Topband: Covered /bare antennn wire

To: "HAROLD SMITH JR" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Covered /bare antennn wire
From: "ZR" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 21:45:58 -0500
List-post: <">>
The T Match tuner is what sits in the house Price. The T Match feed on the antenna is completely different, is grounded to the boom on the all metal design and is no more prone to P-static than any other feed system.
My own yagis use a T Match from 28 to 432 MHz and work very well and without 
the pattern skewing of the gamma match.

----- Original Message ----- From: "HAROLD SMITH JR" <> To: "Tom W8JI" <>; "John Langdon" <>; "Bruce" <>; <>
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Covered /bare antennn wire

Very true Tom,

I am using on 20 meters a Telrex 20M546. The Telrex uses a T network. The T bars are very close to the driven element and longer than normal. They use no series

Or should I say condensers as they were called when Mike Arcelino designed the

73 Price W0RI

The only noise caused by an element charging is a "pop" or arc as the element moves closer to air potential, until the voltage is high enough to break down
some insulation path to earth. This is a huge problem with T network antenna
tuners that feed big antennas without a ground leak path. The antenna trickle
charges the output capacitor (with microamperes of current) until the cap
flashes over. This sudden rings the tank with high voltage, and that blows the
diodes in the directional coupler detector.

We certainly do not want things to charge to the point something flashes over
and is damaged, but a ground leak does not reduce p-static (corona) noise. A
ground leak does not reduce the chance of a lightning strike, either. Neither do
those tower whiskers (NASA has extensively tested that).

73 Tom

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