At 12:00 PM 5/8/99 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 99-05-08 11:48:34 EDT, you write:
>> Thats what I needed to know. Now...where does thrust bearing number 2 go?
>> It's got to go somewhere in between in the middle of the section. Are
>> braces cut or is there something I'm missing?
> Personally I wouldn't worry about the second TB. One at the top is
>plenty for 25G. The mast can move a little bit and rest up against the sides
>of the section without upsetting anything. When you've got a *big* mast and
>*big* stack in 45G, the 2nd TB becomes a little more important.
>Cheers, Steve K7LXC
Well I only have a 10 foot mast pipe and I want to put a small vhf beam on
top with the HF beam on the bottom. The problem with the top section that I
have is that the rotor plate is only about 12 inches inside the tower. I
was looking to put 5-6 feet sticking out of the top. I only have a 4
element hf beam to put up there but I have a small HD73 to rotate it. I'm
sure I'll have to service it one day so I'm trying to make provisions for
that just to make it easier. I might be a little more comfortable with a
tapered top section but if I only have +/- 12 inches in the top of the
bas25g section and I pull the rotor out, by the time the mast rests on the
inside tower legs, well,..its all over with then. I have one TB3 and two
other self aligning (pillow block) TB with the same dimensions of the TB3
(much cheaper than TB3) that I bought just in case I needed them so the TB
aren't really an issue.
what to do...what to do...
Shane Dugas
Prairieville, LA
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