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[Towertalk] 468/f - don't bother, here's why ARRL dropped it.

To: <>
Subject: [Towertalk] 468/f - don't bother, here's why ARRL dropped it.
From: (David L. Thompson)
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 00:56:07 -0400
I feel that 468/f is just a beginning point.   Look at the derived formulas
for directors and reflectors
in multi element beams.

I found that the MULTEE antenna shown in both the ARRL and W6SAI Handbooks
was probably never tested.   The 160/80 version is very poor on 80 and with
the dimensions given is set to 1912Khz on 160
(great for the old JA band) but not much good for the Dx end.  The inventor
W6BCX (of the Bob Tail also)
told W6SAI this 25 years ago.

Knowledge is added to and modified over the years.   Modeling has helped us
make a great steps forward and those equally spaced elements in long boom
yagis worked well but certainly are not optimum.  Models have shown that
properly spaced arrays can have fewer elements but still have better gain
and front to back.   Where models sill are lacking is providing information
on interactions between antennas...but at least we know that W1ICP's article
on stacking antennas a mere three feet apart is not correct...a fact he
admitted later.

Its all relative to working out.

73 Dave K4JRB

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