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Re: [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 260, Issue 2 - OR2800 cable type

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 260, Issue 2 - OR2800 cable type
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2024 11:38:48 -0700
List-post: <>
On 8/2/2024 6:24 AM, wrote:
I use 12-2 + ground UF direct burial romex in the conduit and up the tower for the motor leads, and 2 runs of RG-6 for the pulse counter; center conductors for the signals, and the shields are bonded together at the top and bottom of the tower, and also at the shack entry single point ground system. No cable problems since installation in 2009; however I have had to replace the pulse counter in the rotator once.

On the basis of my understanding of transmission lines, I would expect un-shielded twisted pair to provide more than enough rejection of noise and RF. I know nothing about the susceptibility of the electronics on either end to lightning; certainly that should be taken into account, but shunt GDTs should be sufficient.

73, Jim K9YC


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