Gerry Hull of W2SZ M/M fame wrote:
> CU2QSO is not going to impact who is in the top ten.
Only captive rovers provide that level of score increasing power!!!
Joe Taylor joe at Princeton.EDU of WSJT fame wrote:
> It has to do with the effect of club-oriented Rovers on the
> total scores of their "home clubs".
> Ev, W2EV: you most likely know all (or nearly all) of the people
> who have used CU2QSO in recent contests. Would you care to let
> us know who they might be, and what club(s) they might be
> affiliated with?
Yes those darn "club-oriented" rovers - Is that the PC term these days? Anyone
ever ask of W2SZ that same affiliation question? Ever wonder how one can
acquire hundreds of QSOs on 1296 & up when the closest competition only logs a
small fraction (5-30%). Its unfortunate the contest writeups never go so far
as to address these phenomenal numbers :( At least now we can gain some
insight into the tremendous gaps using the ARRL web scoreboard. Using June
2002 numbers of SZ vs. closest competitions Q's:
6/02 SZ vs. Closest
1.2G 176 vs. 64
2.3G 124 vs. 44
3.4G 105 vs. 28
5.7G 96 vs. 21
10G 78 vs. 30
24G 35 vs. 2
And its no wonder with numbers like these that there are those who complain to
the ARRL (and seemingly sway the tide) whenever there is a request to make the
competition logs public or create some sort of opt in-out program. Here was a
noble attempt:
Like showing a log would be giving away some sort of trade secret....yea right.
I would more over guess that the secret is the right combination of ops,
equipment and location. Oh yes, and "club-oriented" rovers.
Give it up suckers....hehe
W2SZ & 'SZ squatters rule!(?)
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