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Re: Topband: FT8 Observations

To: "Mike Waters" <>, "Dave Olean" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: FT8 Observations
From: "VK3HJ" <>
Reply-to: VK3HJ <>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2018 11:24:50 +1000
List-post: <>
Having no interest in FT8 or JT modes (for now), I don't have much to comment on that, but do have a few comments on the subsequent discussion.
My feeling is that, as mentioned already, many stations haven't made a 
decent job of improving their receiving capability, or are unable to do so. 
These stations may be 20 - 30 dB or more behind those who have, and 
therefore much of the receiving gain of FT8 is lost. In many cases, it's 
much easier to put out a decent signal, than to reciprocate by being able to 
receive decently.
I have three two-wire Beverages out of 280 m each in a quiet rural location. 
The nearest neighbour is several hundred metres away, and the nearest town 
is around 10 km away. I have used the design on Mike W0BTU's website, and am 
switching directions with 12 Vdc down each of the three feedlines giving me 
six switchable directions in the shack. I am pleased with the results, but 
haven't used the reverse directions much yet.
In the control box, I am just using a rotary switch, with mini coax carrying 
the RF. It would be interesting to devise a switching arrangement to allow 
diversity reception between any two Beverages. I currently can use diversity 
with by transmitting vertical in one receiver and one Beverage in the other.
We are well into Autumn here, but are still getting many evenings with 
thunderstorms in the region. Some call this an "Indian Summer". I was still 
able to work Dave K1WHS last evening despite a thunderstorm off our east 
See you on Top Band, on CW.


Luke VK3HJ
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