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Re: Topband: CQ Zones

Subject: Re: Topband: CQ Zones
From: Dave Heil <>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2021 13:47:10 -0500
List-post: <>
Do me a favor, Glenn;  read what you just sent and then look into a mirror.

Dave K8MN

On 3/9/2021 08:45 PM, Glenn Wyant wrote:
And you decide whether any of us deserve to follow our own preferences!
We don't need you as a dumb ass wanna be leader.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 9, 2021, at 18:25, Martin Kratoska <> wrote:

Glenn (VA3DX),

BRAVO, I applaud!

So you claim the privilege to decide who should leave and who is allowed to 
stay. And you will do it for ALL members of the list. You are a brilliant 
character. The life with you must be a marvel.

Stay safe, 73
Martin, OK1RR

Dne 09. 03. 21 v 21:23 Glenn Wyant napsal(a):
And Martin there is no need for you stay here.
Obviously you don't need us , you are so much better than us ft8 Cw ssb rtty 
etc etc ops
Glenn VA3DX

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 9, 2021, at 11:40, Martin Kratoska <> wrote:

Bob et al,

all these rules can be preprogrammed into SV5DKL's robot which can "do the QSO". 
Otherwise I can tell my dog where to paw, he would be possibly a better FT8 "operator" 
than mine.

There is no need of ears, hands, brain or any knowledge. All the task can be 
robotized. This does DEFINITELY NOT qualify as ham radio. I am very sorry that 
I don't have any better news for you.

Martin, OK1RR

P.S. Any FT8 yes/no dispute is meaningless, at least in this mailing list, 

Dne 09. 03. 21 v 17:19 Chortek, Robert L. napsal(a):
Actually, it is ham radio.

Have you spent any time with the mode?

For example,

1. Have you identified a country you need for a bond slot or ATNO?

2.  Have you determined the best time of year, time of day, and band to see if 
a station from that country is on?

3. Have you searched the decodes daily for a station from that country?

4. After spending days hunting that DX, have you FINALLY managed to be there 
when the propagation was favorable?

5.  Have you then, after all that, called that DX and made the contact?

If that does not qualify as ham radio, I’m not sure what does.


Robert L. Chortek

On Mar 9, 2021, at 8:04 AM, ok1tn <> wrote:

[External Email]

FT4 FT8 is just a computer game. It's not a ham radio
73 Slavek Zeler

---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Chortek, Robert L. <>
Komu: Joe Subich, W4TV <>
Datum: 9. 3. 2021 16:31:21
Předmět: Re: Topband: CQ Zones
THANK YOU JOE! That pretty much captures the debate.


Robert L. Chortek

On Mar 9, 2021, at 7:27 AM, Joe Subich, W4TV <> wrote:

[External Email]

Oh PLEASE! You sound just like AM phone operators when SSB came
along. And spark operators when CW started to replace it.

The first DX was nothing more than single letters ...


... Joe, W4TV

On 2021-03-09 10:10 AM, Karel Matousek wrote:
I agree wit Martin OK1RR.

I cannot endorse FT4, FT8 for the ARRL DXCC Program.

IMHO, this should NEVER be allowed unless qualified in a separate rules

Karel OK1CF
Od: "Martin Kratoska" <>
Datum: 09.03.2021 15:37
Předmět: Re: Topband: CQ Zones
Oh, FT8 should be proclaimed as illegal for DXCC (WAZ, WAS etc.) in
mixed categories.
This "mode" should be counted completely separated from traditional
modes like CW or SSB.

Martin, OK1RR

Dne 09. 03. 21 v 15:16 Ian Fugler napsal(a):
Hi, Dave

Zone 23 - JT5DX will be your man. He is active in contests and puts
out a good signal.
Zone 24 - will be more of a challenge. I have worked XX9D and a
couple of BY stations. But you may need to use FT8 for the BY stations,
since they seem strongly to prefer that mode.
73 and GL!

Ian G4iiY
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