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Re: [TowerTalk] Need a Knot Expert

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Need a Knot Expert
From: Patrick Greenlee <>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 14:38:16 -0600
List-post: <>
A double sheet bend will join a couple lines together.Man made material is slippery compared to natural fiber so a single sheet bend might slip, hence the double.  Worried?  Use a triple.
Patrick        NJ5G

On 11/27/2019 2:20 PM, jimlux wrote:
On 11/27/19 10:35 AM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist wrote:
On 11/27/2019 7:44 AM, jimlux wrote:

Or a figure 8 on a doubled rope.

I am NOT a knot expert.

That is why I can highly recommend the figure 8
knot in general, and specifically here
with a doubled rope, and specifically
with 3/16 inch dacron rope.  I have
tied hundreds of these.  I use the
figure 8 for everything.  I don't need
to be an expert to tie it.

I could never learn to correctly tie
a bowline.  The mnemonic such as the
rabbit comes out of the hole, goes
around the tree, and goes into the
hole doesn't uniquely describe a
bow line.
And, worst of all, you might meet your demise at the jaws of a big 
fish named Bruce.

 The figure 8 is completely
fool proof, doesn't untie itself, yet I
can always get it untied.

It is easy to double up the rope and tie
a figure 8 with a loop as the original
post asked.  But what if the loop has to
good around a tower leg, etc?  You can't
just tie the loop and drop it over the
tower leg since the bracing gets in the
way.  However, if you are clever, you
still tie the loop around the leg and the
end result looks just like you had
dropped it over the leg.  Too complicated
to explain here how to actually do it.

Make a loose single figure 8 with a long free end.
Take the end of the free end and follow the rope back through the figure 8.
As a check, take a doubled rope and tie a figure8 (to make a loop). 
Check if it looks right.
That is the huge virtue of the figure 8 - It has a specific, simple 
look, and if you're unsure, you can untie and retie. And, it has a 
shape that is easy to feel in the dark.
Between the figure 8 and a variety of half hitches (some with multiple 
turns), you can do just about anything you need.

Rick N6RK


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