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Re: [TowerTalk] Cut off extra 7 ft of mast or leave it?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Cut off extra 7 ft of mast or leave it?
From: Les Kalmus <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 14:12:11 -0500
List-post: <>
I did that on an 89 foot and on a 72 foot crankup. The 89 footer was loaded with antennas and I never had a problem. The mast was chrome moly and really heavy but also very strong. You need to tilt it over expeditiously so as to reduce the duration of the stress on the cable and support it when it's horizontal.

Les W2LK

On 11/23/2020 1:39 PM, Gary Schafer wrote:
I don't think that I would put a 20 foot mast on top of a crank up tower!
What type of mast do you plan to use? Aluminum, Molly etc?

I have that same tower and it would worry me with that high of a mast 
especially when tilting it over. A lot of stress there.

Gary  K4FMX

-----Original Message-----
From: TowerTalk [] On
Behalf Of David Winarsky
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2020 8:18 AM
To: Dick Williams
Cc: towertalk@contesting com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Cut off extra 7 ft of mast or leave it?

Thanks everyone for all the great comments and advice!  It
sounds like a lot of people have a similar setup and are
actually utilizing the extra space space.  I wasn’t sure the
extra length of mast would be stable enough to hold another
antenna on its own, but based on this thread I’ll plan to put
a 3 feet of the mast in the tower (with the rotator plate 3
ft down as Karl advised), put the Steppir a few feet above
the top of the tower, and the JK40 all the way at the top.

By the way, one additional question I forgot to ask— I had
been advised to rotate the JK40 90 degrees from the Steppir
to avoid interaction between the two antennas.  Do you folks
advise the same?

Thanks again,
David K6ZD

On Nov 22, 2020, at 21:51, Dick Williams
<> wrote:


If you are not planning on stacking another antenna on the
tower, why not move the 40M dipole up higher and utilize the
additional 7 ft to get the 40M rotatable dipole a bit higher
up?  That tower seems to have similar specs to my old US
Tower HDX-54 that I have had up close to 20 years.  Like
yourself, I have a 20 ft mast and the rotor (Tailtwister) is
mounted in the tower with 3 or so feet of mast in the tower.
I use the tower to hold two Force 12 Magnum antennas.  One is
a 7 element 12 M beam about 1 ft above the top of the tower,
and the other is an 8 element 10 M beam about 3 ft from the
top of the mast (the U Bolt and saddle that holds the truss
cable for the 10M beam is at the top of the mast).  I live on
top of a hill, and have had winds in excess of 70 MPH on more
than one occasion.
Have fun erecting the tower.  For the first time since I
erect it, I had to do some maintenance last week, and it was
sure nice to be able to lower it down!
Dick, K8ZTT

On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 9:38 PM Gary K9GS
<> wrote:
I'd have to study this a bit more but why not put a 3 ele
6m beam at the top and stack with the DB11 on 6m?73,Gary K9GS
-------- Original message --------From: Raymond Benny
<> Date: 11/22/20  10:23 PM  (GMT-06:00) To: Cc: Tower Talk
<>, David Winarsky
<> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Cut off extra 7
ft of mast or leave it? You paid big bucks for a good mast.
7ft sticking up won't hurt a thing.Besides, you may want to
add another antenna in the future.Ray,N6VR/W7YAOn Sun, Nov
22, 2020, 7:56 PM Wes Attaway <>
wrote:> I would leave it in place because someday you might
want to put a vertical> up there.>>
----------------------------------->       Wes Attaway
(N5WA)> (318) 393-3289 - Shreveport, LA> Computer/Cellphone
-----------------------------------> -----Original
Message-----> From: TowerTalk
[] On Behalf Of>
David> Winarsky> Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2020 8:39 PM> To:> Subject: [TowerTalk] Cut off extra
7 ft of mast or leave it?>> I'm putting up my first tower, a
LM-354HDSP with a Steppir DB11 and a JK 40> meter horizontal
dipole, both in the same mast. I have a 20 ft 2 in OD mast>
from Tashjian and am wondering whether I should cut off the
unused length> or> leave it?>> Karl at Tashjian suggested I
install the rotator plate 3 ft below the top> of> the tower
and the DB11 2 ft above the top, with the JK40 8 ft above
that> (10> ft from the top of the tower). That will leave 7
ft of the mast unused.>> Do you folks recommend I leave the
extra 7ft of the mast in place or cut it> off?>> Appreciate
the input and any other comments or suggestions on my plan.>>
73,> David K6ZD>
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