[TowerTalk] Amount of "Goop" to use in Telescoping Aluminum Tubing Connections?

Wayne Kline w3ea at hotmail.com
Tue May 22 23:34:10 EDT 2018

Good Point Jake….

I have witnessed the problem where too much Penatrox was applied  you would strip  the Hose camp  threads B-4  you  compressed enough to tighten the  inner element .

MY procedure for assembling  hose clamped elements is to wipe a blob on  a cotton Rag  and apply a LIGHT film..  a few exception to that rule is antennas that require  POP RIVETS through bolts  or screws

Another point to much goop acts like an insulator   except for the  copper coper  based…. There my be other conductive and electrolysis  protective film I am not aware  of .

Wayne W3EA

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From: TowerTalk <towertalk-bounces at contesting.com> on behalf of jcjacobsen at q.com <jcjacobsen at q.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 10:59:44 PM
To: towertalk
Subject: [TowerTalk] Amount of "Goop" to use in Telescoping Aluminum Tubing Connections?

I've used a scotch brite pad also to apply "goop" when assembling antennas. I've found if you use to much, applied with bare finger, you will sometimes strip out the hose clamp before you get the element tight enough to not turn.

I've also used the pads to clean up dirty elements when rehabing antennas, along with WD-40. Spray on the pad, then wrap around the element and rub up/down/around the element. Wear gloves, heavy leather or nitril and wipe off with rag. It is messy but works well.

K9WN Jake

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