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Re: [Amps] Good engineering

To: "" <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Good engineering
From: Bill Fuqua <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 09:23:50 -0400
List-post: <">>
   I will have to say that there is a bit of difference between good 
engineering of a product and
designing something (one of a kind) with components that are available or 
on hand.
     And there is a third that I call "cook book engineering" which 
requires very little creativity and
excludes many interesting, novel solutions.

Bill wa4lav

At 09:17 AM 3/24/2010 -0400, Bill, W6WRT wrote:
>On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 03:01:47 -0500, "Jeff Blaine AC0C"
><> wrote:
> >But what I thought of just now is that there is really not a universal
> >standard on what is "good amp design" and what is not.
>Absolutely right. Each project has different requirements as to cost,
>reliability and performance. A good engineer will just meet the
>requirements without going overboard, was my point. Easy to say, hard
>to do.
>73, Bill W6WRT
>Amps mailing list

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