> I'm sure this is elementary to the big guns on here, but maybe this will be
> useful to some. Since I'm far from the 90% plateau, I find it much better
> to send "G3? 599wv" or "SXW 599 wv" than "G3?" or "SXW?"
Not that I'm REALLY GOOD, but I tend not to send my exchange until I
know I have the other call correct. If there's only one station
calling that may be ok, but in a large pileup you risk having him
send "599 100 TU" and going on his merry way.
I'd be interested to hear what others do.
I'd also be interested in the code speed thing. Do you really find
that your rates go up significantly when you send at 35 wpm instead
of, say, 28 or 30 wpm?
- Larry, K3TLX
| Larry Novak \-\-\ email: lnovak@cen.com |
| Century Computing, Inc. | Tel: (301) 953-3330 |
| 8101 Sandy Spring Road | Tel (@NRL): (202) 404-7682 |
| Suite 200 | Fax: (301) 953-2368 |
| Laurel, MD 20707 | Amateur Radio: K3TLX, C6AHE |
| http://www.cen.com/ | |
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