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What REALLY makes you good?

Subject: What REALLY makes you good?
From: n2ic@drmail.dr.att.com (LondonSM) (LondonSM)
I agree 100% with that genius, Trey Garlough.  I'll add a few more...

Steve London, N2IC/0

On Feb 22,  7:40am, Trey Garlough wrote:

>               "There are no secrets!"
> It turns out, as with most things is life, that skill and hard work
> pay the most reliable dividends in the long run.
> Now for some specific advice.  None of these things are mandatory to
> win, but collectively they really add up:
> o Know the code.  50 WPM conversational is a nice milestone --
>   note:  don't try this at home with pencil and paper.

Well, my CW dies somewhere between 45 and 50 WPM.  What is really important
here is to be able to copy a call, the first time, in your head, at 40 WPM.

> o Know the bands.  Nothing like knowing the right band to be on
>   to improve your score.

With the current state of the sunspot cycle, this isn't too difficult.  Once we
get sunspots, it's easy to make serious mistakes.  Consult your favorite

> o Know your station.  Knowing whether or not your station has the
>   gusto to run people or crack pileups under given conditions
>   on a given band is a real time saver.

A corollary is to not underestimate your ability to run.

> o Stay in the chair.  You can't be the loudest station on the air
>   if you are not on the air.

o Know the callsigns of stations in the target area.  This is strongly related
    to the "operate a lot" advice.  Familiarity with the common callsigns is a
      huge plus.

o Strive for accuracy.  Be extra careful of any call that does not appear with
    Super Check Partial.

o When you are running, REALLY dig for the weak ones.  Don't get lazy, no
matter   how tired you are.  Inability to pull through a calling station is a
personal    defeat !

> And now for some general advice:
> o Operate a lot.  Experience is king.  I learn something every time I
>   operate.

Even when condx stink, don't give up !  Consider it a learning experience that
will reap dividends in the next contest.

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