I must respectfully disagree, John. I've seen them lie like a rug for years,
with the sole exception of Force 12. It comes from their being driven by
their sales and marketing departments, combined with the relative ignorance
(at least until the past few years) of their targeted market, namely us
hams. We have been easy ducks on the pond. :-) To a certain degree, since
the inception of gain antennas for ham use, we have been "marketed to" like
the CB'ers - many of whom believe they MUST have a whip for their 4 watt rig
that has at least a 5 KW loading coil, because the higher the power rating
of the loading coil, the further they can talk. Sad, but true. I do believe,
though, the worm has turned somewhat on antenna knowledge, at least among
the ham community. Don't see too many ads for tribanders with 13 db of gain
73, Jerry
> On a serious note, I don't think antenna manufacturers lie to us about
> like wind surface area. What's really more important than any one claim
> whether antenna, tower, and rotator manufacturers are using the same
> to calculate surface area of the things that they are testing! 73
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