As for hole cutting, I had spent years with saber/jigsaw and file.
I will never touch them again after acquiring an inexpensive 1/2"
chuck drill press and a pair of metal hole cutters that mount to the
chuck. The holes can be from 1.75" to 13" continuous and with just a little
care, they are perfect and need little finish. The cutters work with
aluminum and mild sheet steel. For anything under 1.75", I have a set
of Greenlee punches I got on ebay for a reasonable outlay.
I mostly do SS work and the 8" 48V Rotron fan is my constant companion.
Making the holes was a nightmare, not anymore.
The bud, LMB and other boxes are not built as well as one would hope
for the money, but I still reinforce them and use them where practical.
I just mounted a 2kv, 2A CCS, transformer on an aluminum chassis, with
a boatload of thick angle aluminum reinforcement.
I have often thought of getting a smallish brake and bending jig, but room
expense have held me back. I have gotten by on pre-fab stuff for amateur
work and
at the laser company, after I prototype something electrically, the
boys take over and do the rest.
I am using a lot of digital panel meters anymore and hate cutting those
holes as much as I used to hate cutting the circular ones. Any suggestions
for the mechanically disinclined?
Happy new year to all, all around the globe, es 73 de
George K. Watson
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