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Re: [CQ-Contest] CQ WW SSB

To: Igor Sokolov <ua9cdc@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] CQ WW SSB
From: Mats Strandberg <sm6lrr@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 12:04:55 +1000
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Fully agree with Hans intelligent reflections.

In WRTC 2014, hams from all over the world gathered and enjoyed the full
independence from international politics. Friendship connections were
established by people who maybe only had met over the radio. Ham Spirit
grew stronger, the Ham Radio union of the world showed we are far more
skilled and intelligent than our politicians to build international bridges.

Let Ham Radio show the way to dialogue beyond political borders and
man-made obstacles... instead of being a political instrument.

The Crimean contesters are not to be blamed for what Kiev, Moscow, or
Washington failed to deal with.

The development initiated by parts of the CQWW Contest Committee is not in
line with my interpretation of True International Ham Spirit. It is sad for
the whole international contest community and it not only refers to a group
of Crimean contesters, but actually to all of us.

In the sense of all logics, CQ should then ban all Russian participation in
the upcoming CQWW contest...

That means I am not allowed to operate with RM2D.

However, will CQ allow me to use CEPT call RA/SM6LRR???

After all, my Swedish government probably had nothing to do with what
happened in Crimea?

Do you guys see how absurd this decision is when you stretch a little on
the ropes "holding it together"?

My wish, in the sake of international Ham Spirit, is that CQWW review their
decision and realize that it is counterproductive and illogical.

If not, then consider to include all Russian hams in the collective
punishment and impose another "intelligent" piece if sanction to further
cement the wedge between Russia and some other country "with better and
more correct understanding of the world"...

I am in general not in favour of any boycotts, but maybe it is time to
consider to boycott CQWW with purpose to praise the True spirit of Amareur

73 de RM2D (ex RA/SM6LRR), Mats

On Saturday, October 18, 2014, Igor Sokolov <ua9cdc@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hans, thank you.
> You got it absolutely right. Why should a boy who only loves radio and
> contesting, why should he be penalized for whatever political games happen
> around him. Why CQ magazine deprives this boy from from participation in
> the contest CQ mag sponsors? Is that the purpose of this contest and ham
> radio in general to divide people into first and second grade based on the
> governments these people live under?
> Why ARRL found may be temporary but wise solution to the problem but CQ
> magazine decided that they know better and did it in their own way? Do they
> understand that they do harm not only to their sponsored contest but to ham
> radio in general?
> 73, Igor UA9CDC
>  (W2VU and K2RED added to the conversation on the advice of K5ZD)
>> Here's the long and short of it from my viewpoint.
>> A certain boy in a certain place has a hobby radio station.  He wishes to
>> participate in radiosport contests run by hobbyist magazines in another
>> place.
>> His license conditions including how he must identify his station are
>> dictated by whatever government has authority over that place at any given
>> time.
>> Other governments, rightly or wrongly, might dispute that authority, but
>> the boy in that place is not subject to the authority of those other
>> countries.
>> Now those hobby magazines have decided that the politicians (in their
>> country) shall be the ultimate authority whether the boy and his radio (in
>> another country) are eligible to play in their contest.
>> Methinks the hobby magazines are taking themselves far too seriously, and
>> in an international hobby have cloaked themselves in misplaced provincial
>> patriotism.
>> dit dit
>> 73, de Hans, K0HB
>> --
>> "Just a boy and his radio"™
>> --
>> Proud Member of:
>> . A1 Operators - http://www.arrl.org/a-1-op
>> . Minnesota Wireless contesters - http://www.W0AA.org
>> . Arizona Outlaws contesters - http://www.arizonaoutlaws.net
>> . Twin City DX Assn - http://www.tcdxa.org
>> . Minnesota Amateur Radio Technical Society - http://www.mn-arts.org/
>> . Lake Vermilion DX Assn - http://www.lvdxa.org
>> . Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society - http://www.rnars.org.uk/
>> . SOC - http://www.qsl.net/soc
>> . CW Operators Club – http://www.cwops.org
>> . SKCC - http://www.skccgroup.com/
>> --
>> -----Original Message----- From: Randy Thompson K5ZD
>> Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 1:23 PM
>> To: 'Andy Kazantsev' ; 'CQ-Contest'
>> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] CQ WW SSB
>> The CQ WW Contest Committee was very divided on this issue. The Editor and
>> Publisher of CQ Magazine have made this policy decision. Any comments or
>> appeals should be directed to CQ.
>> Randy, K5ZD
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