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[AMPS] Parasitic suppressors/another question,

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Parasitic suppressors/another question,
From: (Rich Measures)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 02:37:57 -0700

>>>Simple I believe. The voltage is not an issue in the SB-220 but the
>>>current is. I have examined almost 200 bandswitches and amps that 
>>>been run hard on 10/11M show a loss of contact tension. 
>>Ä  So it is the loss of contact tension that indirectly causes the 
>>resistance of the suppressor resistors to substantially increase 
>>showing an outward sign of resistor overheating?
>On 10M which comes first, the cart or the horse?
>It was agreed by most, (sorry if you were not invited,)  that many common
>suppressors do run hot on 10M and extended use will result in an increase
>in R.  This in itself does not guarantee the wrath of the parasite god.

>>>This soon leads to overheating and eventual failure. 
>>Ä   only open bandswitch contacts arced.  
>Yeah sure. You already stated that the arcs are on 10M. In the SB-220
>case that means there are NO open contacts.
?  I did not state that the arcs occurred during 10m operation.  I stated 
that the arcs occurred at the open 10m contacts.  The photo of the 
toasted bandswitch in the QST article "Parasitics Revisited" Sep., 
Oct./1990) shows a bandswitch that was damaged during 40m and 80m 
operation, when the 10m, 15m and 20m contacts were open.  In the 
photograph, the 10m contacts are those with the most damage.  The 20m 
contacts are the least damaged.  
-  later


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K,  

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